Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Secret Garden

Our home school group has a drama club.
We put on a production every spring.
This year we are doing The Secret Garden.

The Secret Garden has always been one of my favorite books.
So I'm very excited about our upcoming play.
The kids are amazing.  We really do have some very talented actors in our little group.

I am honored to be working on costumes this year.  I will also be assisting with sets and props.  This is a home school group remember.  So parents have to do all the work or it just doesn't happen.  This can be a lot of fun but it's still a lot of work.
I find myself dreaming, literally, about this play.
I see costumes and sets designs in my sleep.  This isn't always pleasant or restful.  Actually it creates a bit of anxiety.  I wake up and can't remember what I'm sure was the perfect costume or set design idea.

I have viewed a few of the movie versions of The Secret Garden.
Some are very good.  Some are just OK.  Of course none get exactly what I saw in my head when I read the book.  Isn't it interesting how we all see something different?  But I still appreciate other's creative effort and vision.
I'm just hoping our creative efforts with our production of The Secret Garden will please the audiences that see it.
I'm sure I'll post more about our progress as the season goes on.
We are allowed to tape our production so I can even share video!

So do you have a book to movie where you think they got it right?  Or maybe they went tragically wrong?  What's the best book to movie you've seen?  The worst?



Lisa said...



Anonymous said...

I'd love to know when the play is...maybe we can go. I have to confess, I have never read the book...great literary sin, I know.

Anonymous said...

Love that book, it has been so long.

I hate the Harry Potter films, the books were so much better.

Tara said...

I ♥ that book!!!! movie too...the play will be wonderful!

Marlos ACE said...

I bet it will be great! Love your blog. Marlo

Robynn's Ravings said...

Linda...let us know will you? It would be fun to come!

The ONLY movie I ever felt did a decent job with the book was the 5 hour A&E British version of Pride & Prejudice. I have to watch it now and again. Just love it!

(Harry Potter movies a let down and Lord of the Rings a downright travesty!)

Anonymous said...

oh i also love that movie... the fun, the faith it brings, etc. I'm looking forward to the play..