What a fun week this has been. I have enjoyed hosting my first giveaway and meeting some great new blogging buddies. You all have such great blogs. I'll be visiting them all again.
But now it's time to choose a winner for the one year subscription to
Everyday Food Magazine ...

And here to help me is my trusty co-host, Tonka ...
(please don't notice that my coffee table is covered with scratches and ink marks, this is the very fashionable distressed look, courtesy of of one 3-year old. I embrace it. )

I employ the highly scientific method of writing all the names on mini-flashcards that my kids are supposed to be using for Latin vocabulary words. Then I toss them in a plastic pumpkin. I was feeling festive.
Some people received more than one entry because they became a follower of my blog or they referred someone else in my direction. This created a great little math lesson for my kids on probability. Does more than one entry increase your odds of winning? By how much? Can you generate a complicated math equation and prove that you are learning something of value?
To which my kids rolled their eyes ... Mom, can we just draw a winner already?
Ok, are you ready? My oldest daughter did the honors:
And the winner is ...
The fabulous Rhea from Texas Word Tangle!
Congratulations Rhea! Email me your address and I will get your subscription ordered for you!
And to answer the probability math questions ... yes, more entries do increase your odds. Rhea sent many fine folks my way (she "tweeted" ... and I still have no idea what that is. I am still learning all this blogging stuff) and earned bonus entries. Woohoo
That darn Rhea! I actually looked for this at the book store the other day and didn't see it. I'll have to be more diligent!
Hey wait a minute! I didn't win? I demand a recount. Hanging chads. Heehee! I hope she enjoys the magazine. I love it!
Wow, I was so excited to see my name drawn! WOOHOO!!
I so need cooking help. This should be really nice!
rhea is always winning something. But at least I got to see my name on your blog in the pile of flash cards. YAY Me!
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