Robynn and Sondre Lyn passed along an Honest Scrap Award.
THANK YOU girls!
I am supposed to tell you 10 honest things. About ME.
Whew, where do I begin?
This is a family friendly blog, so I'm not going to dig too incredibly deep.
But I'll try to keep it somewhat interesting and tell you a few things you may not already know.
1. I watch General Hospital.
I started watching it with my Grandma when I was a kid.
I cannot justify why I spend an hour of every day watching a soap opera (actually it's only about 38 minutes, I Tivo it and skip through all the commercials), but it's my hour and I'm happy.
Ah ... the good ol' days of Luke and Laura ... to the present days of Johnny and Jason.
Honestly, can you see where I'm coming from?
2. I learned how to curse in Spanish when I used to work at a small country market.
Ironically, it was called Country Market.
My parents bought the store in 1980 and it became the location of my after school and summer job. The majority of our customers were migrant farm workers. Thus the vocabulary lessons.
It was hard work and long hours, but there were some fun times at that store.
Even so, I can honestly say, I don't miss it.
3. I met my husband the first week of our freshman year of college.
In speech class.
He tried to transfer out of the class because it conflicted with football practice (he was in the athletic training program) but he couldn't get out of the class. Lucky for him huh? Our speech professor put us in the same group to work on a project and we've been together ever since. I can honestly say, it turned out to be the best class I've ever taken.
Oh a side note ... hubby, when he was just boyfriend, also worked at Country Market with me during the summers. He almost burned the store down once. But that's a story for another time.
4. I used to have a career with Pottery Barn.
Well to be honest it was only a job. But it was great. Pottery Barn is owned by the Williams Sonoma Company. So I was occasionally called to work in that store too. My favorite part of the job was designing header displays. But check out this deal ... employees received a 40% discount!
I'm not sure I actually ever brought a paycheck home.
5. Almost exactly one year ago today I suffered a back injury.
I was auditioning for Dancing with the Stars.
Not really.
It was much more glamorous than that. I was walking down the hallway when the doorbell rang. So I pivoted around and POP, something went terribly wrong.
I barely made it to the bed before I passed out.
I can honestly tell you that I have never felt pain like that.
I would gladly go through 100 labor and deliveries sans medication than go through that back pain again. I was down for 2 weeks, unable to anything.
I couldn't even get to the bathroom by myself much less sit on the potty unassisted. This is where a loving and understanding husband comes in handy. Seriously, with him seeing me in that capacity ... well let's just say he must honestly love me.
6. I home school my kids.
I've posted about our homeschooling adventures before.
But here's the honest part ... it's not always easy but it is the best thing I've ever done.
It works for us.
7. My heritage is a mix of Scottish, Irish and Welsh.
My husband is Swedish, Danish and German.
I was raised somewhere between Southern Baptist and the Church of Christ. I went to a Mennonite high school.
My husband was raised between the Methodist and Lutheran churches but he attended a Catholic high school.
We were married in an Evangelical Christian Church.
I honestly doesn't know what that makes my kids.
8. I haven't met a chip I don't like.
Honestly. They are my weakness.
We do a pretty good job of eating healthy ...
We support a CSA farm and get a weekly produce box.
We shop at a local farmers' market and we drink raw milk.
All wonderfully healthy.
But this doesn't take away from the fact that my all time favorite snack is chips. And the best is Laura Scudder's Barbecue Chips. I can no longer find them in my local grocery store. Do they even exist anymore?
9. I have had a library card my entire life.
When I was a kid my dad or grandma used to take me to the library every week.
Every time I've moved one of the first things I've done is to go get a new library card.
I usually have 2 or 3 books going at a time.
I take my own kids to the library every week.
It's just that important.
10. I love Mexican food.
The ultimate test of a good Mexican restaurant is it's chile relleno.
I can honestly tell you that the best can be found in my old hometown of Dinuba at Sandoval's.
I was only supposed to list 10 things, but I love you enough to give you a bonus ...
11. I have a tattoo.
I was young and it was a dare. But I love my tattoo.
No, that photo is not me, and my tattoo is much smaller and discrete.
Anyone want to take a guess as to what my tattoo is? And where it is?
Now it's your turn ... I pass along this Honest Scrap Award to anyone who wants to play.
It was very therapeutic and a lot of fun.