This year I decided that I would actually take the summer off.
In the past I've used the summer months to host classes, to take on projects around the house, to tackle previously put-aside crafts, or to catch up on schoolwork with the kids.
Not this year.
After losing my mom this past spring I decided that I wanted to use these few months to just rest.
To think.
To remember.
To reflect upon.
To write.
To read.
To watch.
I really believe that sometimes we just need a season to rest and regroup.
So that's exactly what I've been doing.
I've been reading old favorites (deserves a post of its own), writing down my thoughts and memories (not quite ready for public display though, sorry) and watching some awesome television series.
And just what have I been watching?
Remember how I was drawn to British TV shows and free DVDs from the library?
Well I have some more to share with you!
here we go ...

Foyle's War. You may be familiar with this one if you're a fan of Masterpiece on PBS. This show has everything I enjoy. Mystery, history and engaging main characters. I love the setting and costuming of the WWII era. And Michael Kitchen as Detective Foyle is outstanding!

I always love a show that has a good mix to it. The drama keeps me interested and the comedy makes me laugh out loud. Cold Feet is a show I stumbled across at the library and I'm so glad I did. It reminds me of Friends with a British twist. And I found another favorite actor to follow in James Nesbitt.

I don't even know how to describe the show Cracker. And I don't know why my typing is now showing up underlined. ???? I don't know how to make the line go away. I hope it's not linking to something. Eeek!
Cracker, yes that is Robbie Coltrane, aka Hagrid from Harry Potter. He plays a psychologist who smokes too much and drinks too much and messes up his own life in many ways but is so brilliant he can tap into the mind of even the darkest of criminals and help the police solve cases.
I must issue a parental warning here though ... this show isn't for my younger readers. The subject matter, language and violence are pretty intense.

Clatterford ... ok another one of those shows I happened to stumble across. Talk about cute, heartwarming, charming and hysterically funny. Do not try to drink iced tea when you're watching this or you risk blowing it out your nose! This show has an assortment of women brought together by the local woman's club. You just have to get to know them and see what I mean.

And of course I couldn't leave out a Scottish pick for you. Rebus is the series based on Scottish author Ian Rankin's detective books. My mother's maiden name was Rankin, so I could quite possibly be related! I'm looking into that. I've read a couple of his books but I love the series even better. Mainly because actor Ken Stott is exactly how I saw Rebus in my head when I was reading. I love when they get casting right. So again, a little mystery, a crime to solve, an endearing yet flawed main character, and it's Scottish ... need I say more?

And finally ... Murphy's Law. Remember James Nesbitt from Cold Feet up above? Here he plays an undercover detective with a very sad past. He is charming and witty, but also tough and troubled. I've only been able to get Season 1 from the library, but it was enough to suck me in and wanting to see more.
(viewer discretion advised for all of the above mentioned shows ... teens have your parents preview first, and parents don't call me to complain ... be cautious is all I'm saying if you have young 'uns in the house)
So that's what I've been watching this summer.
Oh and I started doing Yoga too!
Yes, another post for another time.
Happy Summer!