What do you do when have a cold, are practically coughing up a lung, generally feeling lousy ... AND your in-laws are here for a 4 day visit? I don't know about you, but I lay on the couch, goof around on the computer in between coughing attacks, and watch my mother-in-law make dinner and clean my kitchen. I feel like such a terrible hostess. But she's absolutely wonderful and insisted that I rest.
So I have time to tackle another installment of the contents of the never ending bookshelves in the schoolroom ...

Let's take a look at the second shelf from the bottom left ...

This shelf has some of my favorite photos all in one frame. My hubby and I follow auto racing pretty close. So close in fact, my husband used to work in the business. We met so many great racers over the years. But my favorite was Greg Moore. He was awesome. Such a nice guy with tremendous talent on the track. He had a great career that was only getting better. Sadly, he died in a crash at California Speedway in 1999 ... only one month after the photo of us together was taken. I still get teary-eyed looking at those pictures sometimes. Next to the frame is a book documenting his life and career. Also some books from the last 2 years he was in CART. I don't look at those books too often, but I'm glad I have them.
Other books on this shelf: My hardcover copies of Pride and Prejudice and The Lord of the Rings Trilogy. I really think you need these 2 in hardcover. They are books that will be read again and again.
Of course the one book that I look at most frequently ... my Bible. I like the New American Standard version. I have several copies of the Bible, in several different versions, but this is the one I do all my Bible studies with.
Next to my Bible is You Can't Make Me, But I Can Be Persuaded: Strategies for Bringing out the Best in Your Strong-Willed Child by Cynthia Ulrich Tobias. A friend of mine from my homeschool group recommend this book. Yes, I have a strong-willed child. I won't tell you which one, but for those of you that know my kids, you already know who I'm talking about. If you also have a strong-willed child you should check out this book. It will help you to better understand how your child's mind is working and gives you ways to work with that strong-will instead of trying to fight it.
The Hidden Art of Homemaking by Edith Shaeffer is such a gem of a book. I don't even know how to describe it. She shows that the role of wife and mother is a creative gift. It's a nice little inspirational book. There are a few other inspirational and devotional books in there that I haven't read yet. And a great book called Amusing Ourselves to Death that addresses what television is doing to us. I realize that I borrowed this book from my friend Kristen a few years ago and I still haven't returned it. Hey Kris ... I still have your book ... sorry.
The Toy Cupboard is the cutest little pop-up, interactive, play-along book. I found it at the grocery story on a clearance table several years ago. I'm still waiting until my 3-year old is mature enough to play with it without ripping anything.
Exodus by Brian Wildsmith is a wonderful picture book about Moses. Mr. Wildsmith has several other gorgeously illustrated story books. I always keep my eye out for used copies in good condition. I picked up Exodus for only $2 at Amazon Marketplace. My 3-year old loves looking at the pictures.
There's a Writing Strands book stuck in there. We use this program off and on. Sometimes I like it, sometimes I'm not sure. But finally, on the end, is Slow and Steady Get Me Ready. It's a book full of activities to do with your child from birth to age 5. Much of it is very simple things to do using household items. Most times I find an activity and think, I could have thought of that. But I didn't. So it's great for those times when you're looking for something but just not feeling creative.
Oh, and a couple of very handy jelly jars are sitting on that shelf. One holds rubber bands and the other holds paper clips. I happen to have a ton of jelly jars, and I haven't made jelly in the last 2 years, obviously, so I found another use for the jars!
So that's it for this episode of what's-on-the-bookshelf. Another 50 or so posts and we should be done with it! ;-) Hope you'll stick around.
But next time ... I'll be posting about a birthday in the family. Cute photos guaranteed!